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Results for "keyword: "Character", latest_content: 1"
The Sky's the Limit The word "democracy" can be traced back to the Greek dēmokratia, from dēmos "the people" + -kratia "power, rule." The people rule — but what kind of people? If most people who make up a democrac…
Reinventing Ethics Ethics is what makes and keeps life human. As the headlines remind us, however, we do not always take the time to consciously consider our choices about how we could and should behave. Living an eth…
Submission for Salvation By Fizza Raza for KidSpirit's Fulfillment Issue In the heart, there is a sense of loneliness, there is fear and anxiety, there is regret, there is a sense of longing, all of which can only be…
Origins and Questions of Character Education by Khalid Husain in KidSpirit's A Lens on Learning issue “Children are 25 percent of the population but 100 percent of the future. If we wish to renew society, we must raise up a generation of …
Reflections on Dignity By Ryeaan Chaudry in KidSpirit's Human Dignity issue. Today, society seems more socially and technologically evolved than ever before. With smartphones and social media, we are able to get tim…
Eat Your Food — Or Else the Witch Eats You! By Onkar Borde I still remember the way my grandma narrated the stories of the Ramayana and Mahabharata, some of the most popular mythological legends, when we used to sleep on the roof on hot s…
Reflecting on Narcissism "Imagine a country where everyone acts like a reality show contestant — obsessed with power, status and appearance, and is comfortable manipulating others for their personal gain. 'I'm here to win…
Living Poorer Wendell Berry has been writing and living a life of limits, simplicity, and letting go for many years. For Ragan Sutterfield, Berry is a model of Christian renunciation. He quotes him in his America…
Connections to Life Native American Wisdom On receiving a letter, I often pause before opening it and ask that I will be open to the one sending it and to any message God might be addressing to me. — Jose Hobday …
A Secular Version of the Ten Commandments The winners of a competition to crowdsource an alternative secular alternative to the Ten Commandments for the modern age were announced last week at The $10,000 Prize …